About The Langdon Hills Resident Estate Association

The Langdon Hills Estate Residents Association began in March 2012 and was fully constituted in May 2012.   We aim to represent the residents who live on the Langdon Hills Estate on a variety of different issues and also to rebuild a sense of community both on the Estate and within our Local area.

 The LHERA do not become involved in neighbour disputes, whilst we do address pressing issues that affect all residents, we are also focused on finding ways to engage the community with one another.

The Association regularly communicates with members, on the estate, through email, Newsletter and Social Event Posters which are hand delivered to all residents.  We also arrange a number of inclusive social events to bring the Community together.

We have a programme of events planned throughout each year, from which we hope to bring more local people together.  These include a Fun Day, Fete or Celebration, Tidy Up the Estate Day or month, Picnic, Easter, Halloween and Christmas Events. We have also held Race and Quiz Nights.  These events began in 2012.

We also have links with other Community groups, Residents Associations, Neighbourhood Watch Groups.  St John’s and St Mary’s Churches and the Langdon Hills Methodist Church who have all supported various events.

We are not a Political or Religious group; however, we do intend to make neighbourhood inclusion a factor to the manner in which we work together as a community.  Currently, the Association has over 200 of the 556 households on the estate as members and we gain new members on a regular basis.

We also engage with other groups who have an interest on the estate such as Essex & Suffolk Water, Thames Energy, Basildon Borough Council, Essex County Council and our local MP and Councillors.

Since the LHERA’s formation, Basildon and Essex Councils have also agreed who is responsible for which parts of the estate, although both councils state “lack of funds” for the lack of prompt or pro-active repairs.  We have, however, gained some support from Basildon Council regarding repairs under health and safety issues on the estate. 

Our Mission

Established in March 2012, the Langdon Hills Estate Residents Association is a non-profit organisation, brought about by a desire to address a common cause affecting the Estate.

The LHERA Committee all reside on the estate and therefore understand many of the issues which affect residents and will represent members at meetings held with Estate Stakeholders if required.

The organisation aims to rebuild a sense of community on the estate and to engage with the wider community in order to make Langdon Hills a great place to live

The main purpose of the plan is to bring the community together by involving residents both on the estate and in the wider community.  This will be through social events, invitation to public meetings, raising the standard of landscaping and liaison with Basildon Borough Council and any other groups that have an influence on Langdon Hills.

Join Today.

Please note we do not resolve resident disputes nor work for Basildon Council.

Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex

07565 900326

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